Action laser arena

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Action laser arena

We built it so that players can enjoy a free movement and the feeling of a real gunfight like in an action movie. The game space was rebuilt few times during last two years and we are not afraid to say it’s close to perfection.
Up to ten players can play here and you won’t rest for a single second.

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  • Size:300sq meters
  • Equipment:Laser­maxx EVO-5 – the newest model in Czech republic
  • Lights:UV lights, LED technology
  • Environment:fog, dark, lit edges of obstacles
  • Music:4 themesLasermaxx, Blade, Mortal Combat, Matrix

Game modes:

Death match – free for all (ideal for 6–7 players)
Team game – up to six teams (ideal for 8–10 players)

You can hide behind a number of different obstacles in this arena. Those are positioned in a way that somebody can always hit you from a certain direction, because: NO SNIPING HERE!

Also two elevated platforms bring an interesting tactical element to the game.

The tunnel in the rear part of the arena provides a possibility of a quick movement behind enemy lines.

Last but not least there is a BONUS – an electronic device providing a significant advantage but only for short 20 seconds. After three hits it grants you superpowers – invisibility, immortality or a machine gun.

An easy controlling hand in hand with a freedom of movement make games in action arena a great experience. We test this arena at least two times a week ourselves and till this moment we didn‘t see a better game place elsewhere.

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